You know how 'boring' the majority of shopping is nowadays?  - same product, lookalike shops, same less than exciting service ... yada yada yada.  For the first time in a long, long time I walked into a shop and laughed out loud with delight.  This is what took my fancy.
How great is this!!  ... bondage and discipline products to get your garden under control...

I was in Tim's Garden Centre in Campbelltown ... on a wet, wet day.  
This Centre has such a personality - it's quirky, funny, different than any other nursery I've set foot in - and I've set foot in quite a few.
People tell me that signs don't matter.  They matter! As you can see from this sign in Tim's they not only tell you about the product [and refocus you on what they're selling], but they fit the 'personality' of the business.  

The reason this signs work is that it FITS the culture of the business.  Not every nursery could do this and get away with it.  Tim has definitely duplicated himself ... every staff member in Tim's has this irreverent sense of fun, you can tell they like being at work [even when it rains all day].  

But don't think that the garden centre is only about signs.  It's not.  It's organised for the ease of customers and staff.  
You won't find 'sick' plantlife.  It's almost as though the plants know they have to put on their most appealing face because they're part of Tim's.
Congratulations to Tim and his incredible staff.  You give me hope!
Check out their website, again its chockablock full of