I believe that when you’re looking to do business with someone you need to ensure that your values, philosophies and work ethics match. It’s so much better doing business with people you like! So here is a little about me.
About Me Personally
I grew up in Tasmania on a dairy farm (with a father who owned three hair salons and a mother who was a retail chick). I knew at the age of 8 that I had to leave. How did I know? This will give you the gist (Game Changers blogpost). My favoured football team then was Hawthorn. As it is today. Go the mighty Hawks!
My home of choice is Melbourne. I’ve lived elsewhere, in Australian and the U.S., but always gravitate back home to Melbourne. I love this city and all it has to offer.
Outside of work I enjoy great restaurants, books and rubbish TV. I’m allergic to gyms and I like my latte in china, not glass.
My friends say I have two speeds: full throttle and off. The thought of going for a drive or window shopping brings me out in hives – I’d rather stay home thanks very much. So please don't ever ask me to do either - unless there is a purpose to the drive or window shopping.
About Me Professionally
After leaving Tasmania I headed to Melbourne. I had a stint of working on Ministerial Staff for a Federal politician in Canberra, I worked for the owner of Jetset Tours for 4 years – travelling the world and having a fine time before leaving to get involved in a direct sales organisation which took me to the USA and then back to the Gold Coast. They taught me how to sell and sell well.
Being a cold weather lover I soon returned to Melbourne where I started work with the Retail Traders Association, later to become the Australian Retailers Association. I took the training division from a “black hole” to a multi million $ enterprise. I spent 10 years working with retailers of all sizes and types before heading out on my own.
The Templar Group
For the past 14 years I’ve been working alongside small business owners teaching them about customers – how to find them, get them and keep them – and all that entails. I know that businesses thrive or die depending on their offer to customers.
I have literally taught thousands of business owners and their staff how to deliver exceptional experiences and profits. And I strive to achieve this through magazine articles, blogposts, seminars, customised consulting and training sessions, webinars, books and partnerships with other like-minded businesses and organiations.
Its a privilege to work with those that serve their local communities. I know that I am working with individuals and families whose livelihood depends on the profitability of their business.
At heart I'm a saleswoman. I love to sell - and sell well. And I love teaching others how to sell well too. No out-dated rubbish selling techniques that drive customers bonkers and send you broke. Rather, up-to-the minute techniques, tips and ideas that will get your cash registers ringing!
This website will give you an idea as to what I do.
How Can I Help
If you need a hand in loving your business back to life or taking it to the next level then fill in our Contact Form and I'll get in touch. Let's start the conversation...