Retail Musings
"How can money be the root of all evil, when shopping is the cure for all sadness..." Elizabeth Taylor

It’s easy to fall into one of two diametrically opposed camps at the moment: “The Oh Me, Oh My, We are all Doomed, Doomed I tell you” mob, or the slightly cocky and arrogant “Recession? What Recession – Stop Making Excuses – It’s all in your head” gang.
The truth – just like the hole in the doughnut – is probably somewhere around the middle.
It is important not to get caught up in perceptions and make decisions based on community sentiment – but to closely examine your own business and the things that you can control.
How long since you took your eyes of the economy and focused down into the heart of your business?
Here are some warning signs that you should be watching out for – the indicators that as well as the massive changes out on the marketplace it might now be time to implement some change –some improvements – of your own.