Retail Musings
"How can money be the root of all evil, when shopping is the cure for all sadness..." Elizabeth Taylor

Ever wondered what the top 6 things customers hate the most? Here they are:
1. NOT LISTENING: This was the most cited reason customers dislike salespeople.thumbs down Too many salespeople are more interested in what they are saying than listening to what their customers (or prospects) are trying to tell them. They haven't learned the art of asking questions to probe for information. There's a saying I learned many years ago that holds true "We were given two ears and one mouth - to be used in that order". Listen twice as much as you talk. Time is precious and when you don't listen you actually disrespect your customer or prospect.
2. TALKING TOO MUCH: It's not about: "Boy, have I got a deal for you ... blah, blah, blah, blah". Its about "Tell me about your business, your home, your garden, your dog (whatever the subject is)," listening intently and then providing information that meets your customer's/prospect's needs. You can talk your way into a sale and then talk your way out.
3. LACK OF KNOWLEDGE: There is no excuse for not knowing your 'stuff'. You, of all people, should know your product knowledge, information about your business/company, delivery schedules - all the nuts and bolts. When you know your stuff, someone asks you a question and you answer. However, when you don't know your stuff and someone asks you a question... You look unprofessional and, at the worst, lazy.