Retail Musings

"How can money be the root of all evil, when shopping is the cure for all sadness..." Elizabeth Taylor

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Blog posts tagged in aged stock

Posted by on in Marketing
Move that Stock

Every product has a birthday!  Your objective is to make sure that no product celebrates a birthday in your shop.  Be ruthless!

So, if you have product that’s not moving, here are some ideas to get it out of your shop:

  • Move it to another location and monitor its sales – the product could be just fine – it might just be in the wrong place.
  • Promote it using signage, or if it is already promoted with signage, change the signage.  The sign could be sending out the wrong signals.
  • If you find you’re not doing the amount of business you expected, you just may need to stimulate a little activity.  Sometimes you may not even need a sale.  Maybe all you need is a creative non-sale promotion eg. Combine the offending product with another and sell them as a pair....
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